According to the movie, Facing the Giants "do not fear" is mentioned 365 times in scripture. Amazing. For me this is an awesome reminder to remember daily Fear Not.
How many times do we miss out on life, on new experiences because of fear? For me, the missed opportunities are too many to count. Over the past 3 years, I have decided to reject fear and practice the mantra I learned from Jack Canfield. It goes like this.
Close your eyes, hold out your hands, put your pointing finger on your thumb and say, "OHM, what the heck, just do it anyway." At this point in my life, I have nothing to loose. What about you?
Beyond Scripture will introduce you to the common ground of the different world faith traditions. It will also explore deeper insights to these teachings in hopes to broaden your experience with the God of Creation. It is my intention to promote peace through understanding: the understanding of self, and of others. When we truly know the essence of who we are, we are able to see our interconnectedness with all of Creation. With this new vision, it is my belief we will know peace.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Be the Change
Gandhi says, Become the change you want to see in the world. Becoming the change I want to see in the world has been a life long journey for me which is ever expanding and developing. It is a process.
As I become the change I want to see in the world, I move into accordance with my life, I open myself to enter into deep and authentic relationship with others. I move into a place where I encounter common ground with my neighbors and I am no longer threatened by or fear our differences. In fact, I can choose to celebrate and honor our differences thus expanding my life experience.
This process of change expands my worldview and brings me into an awareness of our global interconnectedness taking me places I have never been before. It allows me to truly promote peace through understanding. I integrate myself with others and into accordance with all of life. I experience Oneness and find my purpose to be seeking the common good of all.
As I become the change I want to see in the world, I move into accordance with my life, I open myself to enter into deep and authentic relationship with others. I move into a place where I encounter common ground with my neighbors and I am no longer threatened by or fear our differences. In fact, I can choose to celebrate and honor our differences thus expanding my life experience.
This process of change expands my worldview and brings me into an awareness of our global interconnectedness taking me places I have never been before. It allows me to truly promote peace through understanding. I integrate myself with others and into accordance with all of life. I experience Oneness and find my purpose to be seeking the common good of all.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Misery or Happiness, you choose.
We all create our own misery. And we all create our own Happiness. It is our choice what we choose.
I believe that we come to this planet to live happy, joyous and free and if we are not happy, joyous and free, we are doing something wrong.
When we are in alignment with our mind, body and spirit, we are like a rope. Each fiber represents the many facets of ourselves which are entwined with each other creating Oneness and wholeness. We are in accord, in harmony with all of life. When we are whole and complete, one with self we experience peace, joy, happiness and harmony.
Our misery is usually caused because there is someone, something or some circumstance in our lives that we have not accepted: Our mind, our body and our spirit are out of alignment. We are in discord, out of harmony. We are moving against ourselves, creating illusions of misery, separateness, pain and suffering. It is like twisting a rope against itself. When this happens we experience dis-ease. We begin to feel a void within our soul. We are not comfortable in our own skin.
When we live in discord within ourselves, we live in discord with those around us projecting pain and suffering to all those whom we encounter.
It is my passionate desire and life mission to promote Peace through understanding- Understanding of our selves, then moving into understanding of others and our world.
My intention in my work is to bring you into a deep and loving relationship with yourself. To bring your mind, body and spirit into accord, into a harmonious life. In so doing, you will experience an inner peace which will manifest out into the world. You will experience true authentic happiness, peace and joy.
Life is intended to be happy, joyous and free.
We create our own misery and our own happiness. What will you choose.
I believe that we come to this planet to live happy, joyous and free and if we are not happy, joyous and free, we are doing something wrong.
When we are in alignment with our mind, body and spirit, we are like a rope. Each fiber represents the many facets of ourselves which are entwined with each other creating Oneness and wholeness. We are in accord, in harmony with all of life. When we are whole and complete, one with self we experience peace, joy, happiness and harmony.
Our misery is usually caused because there is someone, something or some circumstance in our lives that we have not accepted: Our mind, our body and our spirit are out of alignment. We are in discord, out of harmony. We are moving against ourselves, creating illusions of misery, separateness, pain and suffering. It is like twisting a rope against itself. When this happens we experience dis-ease. We begin to feel a void within our soul. We are not comfortable in our own skin.
When we live in discord within ourselves, we live in discord with those around us projecting pain and suffering to all those whom we encounter.
It is my passionate desire and life mission to promote Peace through understanding- Understanding of our selves, then moving into understanding of others and our world.
My intention in my work is to bring you into a deep and loving relationship with yourself. To bring your mind, body and spirit into accord, into a harmonious life. In so doing, you will experience an inner peace which will manifest out into the world. You will experience true authentic happiness, peace and joy.
Life is intended to be happy, joyous and free.
We create our own misery and our own happiness. What will you choose.
inner peace,
Saturday, May 22, 2010
From Smallness to Greatness
Joel Olsteen suggests that we must suffer through our smallness in order to move into our greatness.
I would say we trudge (to walk or move forward with a purpose) through our smallness in order to achieve our greatness. It is in the small steps we take daily toward our goal that brings it to fruition. The key is do not stop moving forward.
This takes discipline of our mind, body and spirit. We must not allow the nay-sayers and our failures of our past to pull us off track. If we are physically tapped, we must go deep and find the power and strength within to keep moving. Spiritually, we must affirm that all things are possible with God and it only takes the faith of a mustard seed to move mountains.
It is in the smallness, in our humbleness that we achieve our Greatness.
I would say we trudge (to walk or move forward with a purpose) through our smallness in order to achieve our greatness. It is in the small steps we take daily toward our goal that brings it to fruition. The key is do not stop moving forward.
This takes discipline of our mind, body and spirit. We must not allow the nay-sayers and our failures of our past to pull us off track. If we are physically tapped, we must go deep and find the power and strength within to keep moving. Spiritually, we must affirm that all things are possible with God and it only takes the faith of a mustard seed to move mountains.
It is in the smallness, in our humbleness that we achieve our Greatness.
Joel Olsteen,
Friday, May 21, 2010
Pray for Rain
There is a story of two farmers who were praying for rain. One farmer prayed for rain and planted his field, the other prayed for rain and did not plant his field.
When the rains came, who was ready to reap the harvest?
The one who planted the field. He is the one with the faith of a mustard seed. He put forth the effort, did the work expecting results.
This is a great way to live. It can be difficult because all of the "facts" say that this or that can not happen, but we can only see a small part of the whole picture. When we move forward, we trust that God has the big picture and do what is necessary leaving the outcome to God.
As we practice and experience the presence of God in our lives, our vision expands and we see more of the whole picture. This makes our life much easier.
Pray for Rain and prepare your fields. Stay focused on the next indicated step and trust that God has a plan and the plan is Good.
When the rains came, who was ready to reap the harvest?
The one who planted the field. He is the one with the faith of a mustard seed. He put forth the effort, did the work expecting results.
This is a great way to live. It can be difficult because all of the "facts" say that this or that can not happen, but we can only see a small part of the whole picture. When we move forward, we trust that God has the big picture and do what is necessary leaving the outcome to God.
As we practice and experience the presence of God in our lives, our vision expands and we see more of the whole picture. This makes our life much easier.
Pray for Rain and prepare your fields. Stay focused on the next indicated step and trust that God has a plan and the plan is Good.
Master Plan,
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Spiritual Growth
Spiritual growth comes about as we begin to question.
Our children are very insightful at a young age. They question everything, their curiosity is what drives them. They are completely in the Now moment; being and questioning.
They are, therefore they know. Or I am; therefore, I know.
As we mature, we are rewarded for having the answers not for asking the questions. Our questions are squelched, our innate propensity to question is diminished and our curiosity wanes. We begin to strive for the answer and quit contemplating the questions, and asking "Why?"
We move into I know; therefore, I am.
This means that our value and self-worth comes from knowing. We are no longer good enough just being, we must know to be accepted, to be somebody.
Jesus says, we must become like children. I believe this means we must become teachable. We must begin to question, question all things we have been taught. I believe that in our faith traditions, we have not been given the right to question what we are told. Therefore, we are stagnant in our spiritual growth. Eugene Ionesco suggests, "It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question"(38).
Henry David Thoreau said, " It is only when we begin to question all our learning that we begin to know"(38).
Both quotes are from Secrets from Great Minds, by John H. McMurphy.
Our children are very insightful at a young age. They question everything, their curiosity is what drives them. They are completely in the Now moment; being and questioning.
They are, therefore they know. Or I am; therefore, I know.
As we mature, we are rewarded for having the answers not for asking the questions. Our questions are squelched, our innate propensity to question is diminished and our curiosity wanes. We begin to strive for the answer and quit contemplating the questions, and asking "Why?"
We move into I know; therefore, I am.
This means that our value and self-worth comes from knowing. We are no longer good enough just being, we must know to be accepted, to be somebody.
Jesus says, we must become like children. I believe this means we must become teachable. We must begin to question, question all things we have been taught. I believe that in our faith traditions, we have not been given the right to question what we are told. Therefore, we are stagnant in our spiritual growth. Eugene Ionesco suggests, "It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question"(38).
Henry David Thoreau said, " It is only when we begin to question all our learning that we begin to know"(38).
Both quotes are from Secrets from Great Minds, by John H. McMurphy.
Becky Benes,
David Thoreau,
Eugene Ionesco,
spiritual growth
Monday, May 10, 2010
Mothers Honored
I love scripture of Islam which states, "Serve and revere your parents. Heaven is spread beneath the feet of mothers everywhere."
What a beautiful passage honoring our mothers. Heaven is at their feet. Heaven the place one finds refuge, peace, nurturing, love, kindness, compassion and wisdom.
Islam, as well as the Catholic Church give great homage to Mary the Mother of Jesus. Native Americans give homage to our Mother Earth.
Several traditions which have been interpreted by our patriarchs have lost sight of the importance of honoring our Mothers and give greater attention to the Father. I believe this puts us in a state of imbalance. We must honor both Mother and Father.
This is also true in our honoring of our masculine and our feminine attributes within ourselves. When we squelch one, we live an imbalanced life which manifests in every area of our lives. Could it be that the squelching of our feminine natures in men and our oppressing women around the globe for centuries is the cause for our Mother Earth being dishonored, raped and pillaged? Just a thought.
What a beautiful passage honoring our mothers. Heaven is at their feet. Heaven the place one finds refuge, peace, nurturing, love, kindness, compassion and wisdom.
Islam, as well as the Catholic Church give great homage to Mary the Mother of Jesus. Native Americans give homage to our Mother Earth.
Several traditions which have been interpreted by our patriarchs have lost sight of the importance of honoring our Mothers and give greater attention to the Father. I believe this puts us in a state of imbalance. We must honor both Mother and Father.
This is also true in our honoring of our masculine and our feminine attributes within ourselves. When we squelch one, we live an imbalanced life which manifests in every area of our lives. Could it be that the squelching of our feminine natures in men and our oppressing women around the globe for centuries is the cause for our Mother Earth being dishonored, raped and pillaged? Just a thought.
Catholic Church,
Native American,
Virgin Mary
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Honoring our Mother
Mother's Day weekend is a great time to reflect on our mothers and all women in our lives whom have touched our hearts and nourished our soul.
In the Native American tradition, they say, "All living beings are form the earth. Wherever we look, we see part of our Mother and Father."
This is true when I see birds flitting around hunting food for their hungry babies with persistent action, I see parents scrambling around feeding their children. I see the beauty of the wild flowers covering our earth reminding me of the beauty that surrounded me as a child which was freely given and provided by the labors of my parents. When we are aware and we take the time to look, we will see our Mother and Father expressed throughout nature.
Nature expresses the masculine and the feminine attributes of our Creator which is also our masculine and feminine attributes. Embracing both, we come into oneness and begin to see the face of God wherever we look.
In the Native American tradition, they say, "All living beings are form the earth. Wherever we look, we see part of our Mother and Father."
This is true when I see birds flitting around hunting food for their hungry babies with persistent action, I see parents scrambling around feeding their children. I see the beauty of the wild flowers covering our earth reminding me of the beauty that surrounded me as a child which was freely given and provided by the labors of my parents. When we are aware and we take the time to look, we will see our Mother and Father expressed throughout nature.
Nature expresses the masculine and the feminine attributes of our Creator which is also our masculine and feminine attributes. Embracing both, we come into oneness and begin to see the face of God wherever we look.
Becky Benes,
Native American,
Saturday, May 8, 2010
To support Father and Mother,
To cherish Wife and Child,
To follow a peaceful calling,
This is the greatest blessing.
Buddhism, Dham. 252
As I cared for my in-laws and now support my parents as they move up in years, my life expands and my love and compassion grows.
As I cherish my husband and my children, I experience the wonders of God through laughter, joy, tears. I feel unfathomable gratitude and deep love.
As I write, speak, meditate and promote Oneness, my life is filled beyond measure and I am complete. I am One with my Source and my Divine Purpose.
This is living a blessed life.
Thank you God.
To cherish Wife and Child,
To follow a peaceful calling,
This is the greatest blessing.
Buddhism, Dham. 252
As I cared for my in-laws and now support my parents as they move up in years, my life expands and my love and compassion grows.
As I cherish my husband and my children, I experience the wonders of God through laughter, joy, tears. I feel unfathomable gratitude and deep love.
As I write, speak, meditate and promote Oneness, my life is filled beyond measure and I am complete. I am One with my Source and my Divine Purpose.
This is living a blessed life.
Thank you God.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Examine the Self
"If you love others, and affection is not returned, look into your love."
Is your love conditional or unconditional? Is it inclusive or exclusive?
"If you rule others, and they are unruly, look into your wisdom."
Do you go by the rules? Are you a rule breaker in areas of your life?
"If you treat others politely and they do not return your politeness, look into your respect."
Are you respectful to all people, animals, and our planet? Do you honor the All?
"If you desires are not fulfilled by what you do, turn inward and examine yourself in every point."
What areas in your life is out of balance? Where are you not being your authentic self?
The quotes are from Confucianism and I interjected the questions. These are great questions for reflection to examine yourself. Delve into the quotations more and contemplate their meaning for you. When you do, you will enter the path to enlightenment.
Becky Benes,
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Self-awareness is Growth
Being self-aware and/or understanding ourselves is a central theme in every faith tradition. "Knowledge of one's own self is stated to be the most excellent among all things, for it leads to enlightenment" states the Hindu religion.
Our experience or our success in life is determined by our wholeness. As we become aware of self and make the needed adjustments in our lives, thoughts, and behaviors, we experience spiritual growth. This is often difficult because we are conditioned to hide our short-comings from others and from ourselves. This denial is a block to our success, our happiness and our spiritual progress in all facets of our life.
Becoming self-aware and making changes in ones life is simple but not easy. It takes courage and strength, but it is possible. When you do the work, your life shifts and miracles become your norm. It is soooo fun. It is worth the effort. I promise.
Our experience or our success in life is determined by our wholeness. As we become aware of self and make the needed adjustments in our lives, thoughts, and behaviors, we experience spiritual growth. This is often difficult because we are conditioned to hide our short-comings from others and from ourselves. This denial is a block to our success, our happiness and our spiritual progress in all facets of our life.
Becoming self-aware and making changes in ones life is simple but not easy. It takes courage and strength, but it is possible. When you do the work, your life shifts and miracles become your norm. It is soooo fun. It is worth the effort. I promise.
Becky Benes,
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Spending time with Immaculee and the beautiful people of Austin, I realize once again how connected we all are. So many people touched by a story across the planet, hearts broken by the atrocities to so many. Why are we moved by the story? Because we are all connected in spirit, we are all One. When tragedy strikes one, it strikes us all.
Immaculee's story is our story. If we could all own the stories of our planet and heal the wounds, the hurts, the pain and suffering within ourselves we could heal our planet and know peace.
Our coming to realize that our hearts beat as one heart, and that one heart pumps the life-force energy through our world arteries is crucial to inner peace, thus world peace.
Immaculee's story is our story. If we could all own the stories of our planet and heal the wounds, the hurts, the pain and suffering within ourselves we could heal our planet and know peace.
Our coming to realize that our hearts beat as one heart, and that one heart pumps the life-force energy through our world arteries is crucial to inner peace, thus world peace.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Love of Self
In order to love you neighbor as yourself, you must first learn to love yourself. This is usually the hardest most difficult task. A step in the process of learning to love yourself is reviewing your life and owning the good, the bad and the ugly. Accepting the truth about who you are is paramount in the spiritual process.
Once you have reviewed the good, the bad and the ugly, it is suggested you share this with another human being. This is when we experience humility, not humiliation-humility. We humble ourselves before God as revealed in another human being. Make sure you choose a trust-worthy, loving and kind person with whom to share this inventory. Some people choose a pastor, rabbi, counselor, spiritual director or a trusted friend.
Your willingness to be thorough and open will determine the results you experience. Once you share your life with another, releasing any and all secrets, you will experience a great relief. Your damned up emotions, which have kept you in bondage, will come to the surface and be washed away and you will begin to experience inner peace, you will begin to experience the presence of God.
Experiencing the presence of God begins the process of loving yourself and in so doing you will be able to love your neighbors.
Once you have reviewed the good, the bad and the ugly, it is suggested you share this with another human being. This is when we experience humility, not humiliation-humility. We humble ourselves before God as revealed in another human being. Make sure you choose a trust-worthy, loving and kind person with whom to share this inventory. Some people choose a pastor, rabbi, counselor, spiritual director or a trusted friend.
Your willingness to be thorough and open will determine the results you experience. Once you share your life with another, releasing any and all secrets, you will experience a great relief. Your damned up emotions, which have kept you in bondage, will come to the surface and be washed away and you will begin to experience inner peace, you will begin to experience the presence of God.
Experiencing the presence of God begins the process of loving yourself and in so doing you will be able to love your neighbors.
release blocks
Sunday, May 2, 2010
A Message from Mary the Mother of Jesus

I had the great pleasure of spending the weekend with Immaculee Ilibagiza, author of Left to Tell, discovering God amidst the Rwandan Holocaust. She was speaking about the apparitions of the Virgin Mary on Mt. Kibeho. Her message was that Mary came to Rwanda to plead with the people to change their ways and to love one another. If they did not horrific things would happen in their country.
Immaculee attributes the Holocaust to the fact that the people of Rwanda did not heed this warning. "We failed to live out the commandment to Love our neighbor as ourselves."
How our lives would be different if we just chose kindness rather than indifference.
Immaculee attributes the Holocaust to the fact that the people of Rwanda did not heed this warning. "We failed to live out the commandment to Love our neighbor as ourselves."
How our lives would be different if we just chose kindness rather than indifference.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Acceptance is the Path
Acceptance is the path to peace.
What does this really mean as I go through my life of plans? As my plans shift as they have over the past month and circumstances out of my control have turned my life upside down, I have a choice. I can choose resistance to what is and experience misery. Or I may choose acceptance, that all is in Divine Order and experience peace.
As a sailor for many years, I learn how to adjust my sails when the winds shifted. If I resisted the wind, I ended up in the water. This is a great analogy for life, when the wind shifts, adjust and move ahead. It may take us a bit longer to reach our goal, but the addition to the journey adds to the spice in life.
What does this really mean as I go through my life of plans? As my plans shift as they have over the past month and circumstances out of my control have turned my life upside down, I have a choice. I can choose resistance to what is and experience misery. Or I may choose acceptance, that all is in Divine Order and experience peace.
As a sailor for many years, I learn how to adjust my sails when the winds shifted. If I resisted the wind, I ended up in the water. This is a great analogy for life, when the wind shifts, adjust and move ahead. It may take us a bit longer to reach our goal, but the addition to the journey adds to the spice in life.
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