Beyond Scripture will introduce you to the common ground of the different world faith traditions. It will also explore deeper insights to these teachings in hopes to broaden your experience with the God of Creation. It is my intention to promote peace through understanding: the understanding of self, and of others. When we truly know the essence of who we are, we are able to see our interconnectedness with all of Creation. With this new vision, it is my belief we will know peace.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
It's all God, It is all Good!
She said, "Both!" I said, "Really!" I felt like she did not understand my question. So showing her a beautiful flower of bright light colors and one that was covered by black, I asked again. "What would you rather plant, flowers of light or flowers of darkness?" Once again, she answered, "Both!"
I asked her to explain what she meant. This is what she said, "Well I like all of the bright colors and the light, but I like to sleep in the darkness, and without the darkness we couldn't see the stars or the moon. I like seeing the stars and the moon."
Such wisdom from the mouths of babes. A complete understanding of the Tao, the Yen and the Yang. There is beauty and life in both the light and the dark. Embrace it all.
It is all God, It is all GOOD!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
When you are present in the NOW moment, you are practicing the presence of God. This is a great way to relieve stress and to commune with God. I began this practice after reading, Practicing the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence. I actually took a job as a dish washer, after a very high powered job as a marketing director. I needed to reconnect with God and myself and simplify my life.
For 6 months, I washed dishes. I focused on the bubbles, the water, the dish I was washing at the moment. I saw all of the iridescent colors in the bubbles; I watched them pop and some of them float into the air and vaporize. This was a beautiful practice of being in the moment. My mind was focused on what I was doing and not on my past or my future. I was at peace and actually joyful. This was one of the happiest times of my life. Since that time, I do not use my dishwasher. Hand washing dishes is a meditative practice for me. It reminds me to "be still and know that I am God."
I encourage you observe small children and watch how they are truly in the moment, wittness their joy and their peace. Then pick a mundane activity or start a hobby like painting and use it to focus your mind. Truly be there in the moment and you will find peace and joy.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Begin seeking wisdom when young
It is important for the young to learn basic knowledge in humanities, reading, writing, science, and life skills. However, it is also important to include studies of world religions and to incorporate practices of prayer and mediation into their lives. In so doing, the children will be aware of the oneness of all people and have a basic foundation in spiritual growth.
"He who, even as a young student, applies himself tot he doctrine of truth, illuminates this world like the moon set free from the clouds" Buddhism, Dham, 382.
This is great information for me as I try to raise my two daughters. I love reading them passages from all faith traditions and introducing them to people from different cultures, religions and nationalities. I believe this is one of my greatest gifts to them.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Do what you love
Your talent or your passion is your precious gift. It is what you are called to do. By doing what you love, whether it be hiking the K2, like Greg Mortenson or writing and sharing your passionate beliefs, your gift will lead to your lifes work. It will give access to the great.
Make a daily commitment to do something that you love and you are passionate about. The Universe (God) will open doors along the way to a life of abundant happiness, peace and joy.
You are exactly where you are meant to be right now and all is well.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The Truth Will Set You Free
Eventually this abyss became so encompassing, I felt as if I would be swallowed up and disappear. At that moment in time, I desperately begged for help. I completely surrendered to something bigger than myself. This is when my life shifted and I awoke to my truth.
I began a journey of self discovery. What did I like? What was my favorite color, movie, music? What type of people did I enjoy being with? What were some of my hobbies? What made my heart sing and bring me joy? What did I do for my fun? The list was endless. These questions brought to light how much I really did not know about myself.
During this time, I tried all different kinds of things. I explored new places, new books, movies and activities. I even took up ballroom dancing and horse back riding. It was great. I made it a point and still do to read and/or watch what others say not too. I question everything and everyone. I pay attention to what resonates within me.
This has made my life so much more fun and I believe more authentic. I am living my bliss, I am ever changing and open to new and exciting opportunities and experiences.
People who don't live their truth or their authentic selves seem lost.
Being true to myself has set me free. I encourage you to go on a great journey of self discovery, you'll be amazed at what you find out.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Acceptance is the Key
When I have a problem with someone, some place, or some situation in my life, it is usually because I find it/them unacceptable to me. When I find something outside myself unacceptable, it creates disharmony and discourse in my life and I experience discontentment. In order, to live in serenity or contentment, I must accept people, places and things just as they are, perfect at this moment in time.
I must decide, either God is all that is, or God is nothing. If God is all there is, then all in creation must be exactly the way it is created to be at this moment. For me, there are no mistakes in God's world. When I accept this as my truth, I find happiness, serenity, and a peace that surpasses all understanding.
This sounds easier said than done, so I constantly use the Serenity Prayer to help me practice the art of acceptance.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
The Master Plan
This is so true in my life. I make plans only to have them change in mid-stream. I used to get very frustrated and fight the change, creating lots of undue misery in my life. Now I realize that God has my back, and when my plans do not fit along with the Master Plan for me, they will change.
Usually when this occurs, I am not seeing the Divine Order, it is only with hindsight that all makes sense. Proverbs 19:21 states, "The human mind may devise many plans, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will be established." By accepting and surrendering to the idea that God has a plan and the plan is good, the obstacles in my plans do not seem to bother me so much.
When I am passionately seeking God and wanting to do the work of God, I must trust that God truly does have my back and is preparing the way for me. Jeremiah 29:10 promises, "For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare, not for woe! Plans to give you a future full of hope."
Realizing that there is a Master Plan, makes taking a step into the unknown much easier and less fearful.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Process for awakening
Several of them seem to have a common thread or process which the characters go through to experience an awakening to the Spirit of God.
- Step one: They are open to the call or the invitation from God-the still small voice.
- Step two: They say "Yes" even when the call seems impossible and/or makes no sense.
- Step three: They confirm their insight or call with a spiritually awake person.
- Step four: They take action and become willing to do what it takes to move forward. They clear the mental, physical and spiritual roadblocks.
- Step five: They experience the manifestation of that which was inspired, they awaken to the Spirit of God.
When I am open to this process in my life and follow the steps, my life transforms and I experience the Spirit of God-Creation-Inspiration.
This is a continual process for me, ever reminding me to take time to go to a quiet place, listen, open myself, and allow the presence of God to come in and through me. The experience is magical.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Come Alive
Prior to getting my master degree, I was not much fun, I had no energy, and no spark in my life. However, while I was getting my Master Degree in Spirituality, my husband was so amazed at the energy I had. I had less time and I had increased my work load by taking courses, but I managed to get more done. I was so excited and alive with enthusiasm. I was in my element, studying spirituality, spiritual practices, and world religions.
When I am writing this blog, my column, and preparing for a speech or a retreat, I am energized with the power of God. I can work endless hours and not be tired. I have a bounce in my step. However, if I take on a job that 'needs' to be done but I really don't want to do, my wind is taken from me. I become more agitated, unfocused and tired. It is difficult to get anything done. I drain the people around me.
This is what I believe Howard Thurman meant when he said, "Ask not what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive. . . then go and do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
This is a powerful message to all of us. We are energized by our inner most desires which I call inspiration. If we are in line with the desire of our hearts, we have the energy and enthusiasm to do what it takes to get the job done. When we are enthusiastic which means infused with a divine spirit, we can accomplish great things and change the world.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap
All faith traditions proclaim that we reap what we sow. So if you don't like what you are reaping in your life, guess what, you have the power to change it. To reap differently, you must change what you are sowing. Ask yourself, what am I sending out into the world, a compliment or a criticism; a blessing or a curse; a smile or a frown; the list is endless.
If you are clueless about what your are sowing, your life is a reflection of the seeds you are planting. This was a huge wake up call for me, however, it is also very empowering when I get honest.
We are the farmers of our own field.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Attracting Prosperity
Edwene Gaines, author of The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity gives us four laws which have been proven to work to attract prosperity into our lives despite what is happening around us.
- Tithe: Tithe 10% of what you receive to where you are spiritually feed; wherever, your heart sings. This does not necessarily mean your church. This is a frightening practice to start. In fact, when my husband and I began, he had to write the checks. I was hyperventilating. I could not comprehend how giving money we did not have would attract more money. However, since we have introduced tithing into our life, our bills have always been paid. I am clueless how this works, but it does. It is definitely a leap of faith.
- Forgive: Forgiveness clears the way to receive. If our hearts are filled with hate, anger, resentment and non forgiveness, we block our good from coming to us. My prayer for forgiveness is a process. It begins with: God, help me to become willing to forgive ___. Then, God, bless ___. Eventually, I pray, God bless ____ with all the goodness that I wish for me and my family. This is a powerful prayer, which changes my heart and makes room to receive all that is good.
- Ask for what you want. In scripture we are told, Ask and it will be given. We must know what we want- the desire of our hearts. It is important to go within and truly seek that which makes your heart sing. Set clear and concise goals, visualize receiving them and give thanks that they are on the way. Make sure your goals bring you great joy. It is God's good pleasure to give us the Kingdom.
- Be on purpose: Once you know what you want, begin action to receive it. If you want a new car, go scope one out, take your picture in it, clean out your garage and make room. If you want a new job, create and send out your resume; volunteer in areas that do what you love. Whatever it is, move in that direction. The question to ask is "Am I having fun?" If the answer is yes, You are on purpose.
I have been practicing these principles in my life off and on for the past 21 years; however, in the past four years I have been consistent with all four laws and my life is forever changed.
It is said that during the Great Depression, Rockefeller continued to live as usual and even donated large sums of money. People watched him in amazement and one of his friends said, "Don't you know we are in a great depression?" To which Rockefeller replied, "Yes, I heard about that, I decided not to participate."I encourage you to not participate in the fear and media frenzy of lack; instead embrace the four spiritual laws of prosperity and claim the abundant good promised you by God.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Well I married an honorable man who trusted me and believed me. So there I sat in my office on this milestone birthday, seething that he had done nothing. Poor guy did not have a chance. He did not know how to play the mind game.
In my distress, I read Mutant Message Down Under by Marlo Morgan. It is a great fictitious book about the Aborigines of Australia. I just came across the part of the book which discussed birthdays. I was taken aback. According to the book, the Aborigines don't celebrate birthdays, they celebrate and honor someones uniqueness and contribution to life. They are encouraged to become better and wiser year after year.
As a person grows and develops a talent, they call for a party to celebrate their growth. They decide when, where and how they want to celebrate their progress and the tribe comes together to honor them. They don't expect the tribe to know when it is time to celebrate.
What a beautiful tradition it is to honor ourselves and celebrate our uniqueness and the development of our beingness. Rather than putting so much emphasis on the calendar year. This is a great message for me. Each year I strive to become a more unique, wise, and better person and then celebrate that. My physical birthdays no longer have all of the pressure for me or my husband. It is amazing how a little story can change ones perception so quickly.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Celebrate yourself
Being ones own hooraw empowers us to be all that we can be. We are not enslaved by the need for someone's approval. We can set goals for our selves and achieve them without any expectation from someone else.
Make it a habit to celebrate yourself. Do a victory dance, take a coffee break, or just pat yourself on the back for a job well done. If you wait for someone else to notice, you will only set yourself up for disappointment.
Take the reigns and CELEBRATE your self.
Celebrate, celebrate, dance to the music. Yeehaw.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Many paths to One God
I was raised in the Catholic faith tradition, which is a Christian tradition. (Believe it or not, some people don't know that). My Catholic upbringing set the foundation for who I am and what I believe. Even though I struggle with some of the dogma within the Catholic faith, for the most part I embrace this tradition. I love the ritual, the sacraments, the music, and the liturgy. I love the teachings of Jesus and he is my Way-Shower.
So in this sense, I am a Christian. However, if the question is, "Do I believe that Jesus is the only way to encounter God or to gain the idea of "Salvation?" the answer is no.
I have been blessed with meeting and studying about so many people from different faith traditions whom have beautiful relationships with the God of their understanding, that my view of God has been forever expanded. I believe in an infinite God which expresses Godself in vast and infinite expressions and in many different faiths.
Years ago, I heard a friend's 18 year old son respond when asked if he was a Christian, "Why would I believe in a God who would banish 80% of the world's population to Hell!" This rattled me to the core. I had never thought about that and it opened my eyes even further. Desmond Tutu says, "To ignore people of other faiths and ideologies in an increasingly plural society is to be willfully blind. . . We are severely impoverished if we do not encounter people of other faiths with reverence and respect for their belief and integrity."
I have always been fascinated with other faith traditions, so it boggles my mind that there are so many people who fear other faith traditions. I asked myself, "how can this be?" What I have found is, they limit themselves to reading only what their church or faith organizations suggests that they read. They do not question or investigate what they are being spoon feed from the pulpit. They do not own their own faith, they grab a hold of some one's idea and join in. I, on the other hand, have always questioned. They call me the "Pot Stirrer." I usually stir things up.
I thank God for the Sister's in the Catholic church who allowed me to question, to push the limit, to disagree. They lead me down the paths of the great mystics. They opened the books of our history, and of other faith traditions. They held my hand as I moved from a childhood faith into an adult faith.
I am liberated from having to believe what the masses preach. I am free to seek and experience God within and without. Through this process, I know that we are all on the path home-returning to God consciousness. God is on the mountain top and there are many paths to the summit.
Sacred scriptures from all faith traditions affirm that there are many paths to know God.
- Christianity: For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons [and daughters] of God.
- Islam: There are as many ways to God as souls; as many as the breaths of Adam's sons [and daughters].
- Hinduism: They who worship other gods with faith, They adore but Me behind those forms; Many are the paths of men, But they all in the end come to Me.
- Confucianism: In the world there are many different roads, but the destination is the same.
- Pawnee Native American: All religions are but stepping-stones back to God.
How would our lives and our world be different, if we all took the time to question, investigate, read something different, and made a friend from a different faith tradition. We might learn something new, we might begin a new trend, we might change. Who knows?
"By paths they have not known I will guide them. . . . These are the things I will do, and I will not forsake them." Isaiah 42:16
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Laugh, Create Your Own Paradise
I love to laugh, don't you? I love a good knee slapping joke or a funny story that is so funny it makes my sides hurt. I find I have more energy and experience less stress when I laugh. Plato once remarked that "Even the gods love jokes."
In the Koran, it states that "He deserves Paradise who makes his companions laugh." When I am around people who laugh and/or make me laugh, I want to stay and be with them. This is a bit like paradise. Small children have contagious laughs, and can 'bust a gut' as we say in West Texas at the smallest of things; a burp, a fart, a slip of the tongue. They have a knack of laughing at themselves until we teach them those powerful words-"That's not FUNNY!"
I think we do ourselves and our children a disservice when we squelch their laughter. Maybe we ought to laugh with them and lighten up a bit. The health benefits are staggering.
When we laugh we:
- Boosts immunity
- Lower stress hormones
- Decrease pain
- Relax our muscles
- Prevent heart disease
Laughter also has a multitude of mental health benefits:
- Adds joy and zest to life
- Eases anxiety and fear
- Relieves stress
- Improves mood
- Enhances resilience
Along with physical and mental health benefits, laughter also has social benefits:
- Strengthens relationships
- Attracts others to us
- Enhances teamwork
- Helps defuse conflict
- Promotes group bonding
With all of these benefits, I encourage you to make laughter a required part of your day.
Don't wait for the government to mandate this one. Create your own Paradise and just lighten up and laugh.
Laughter is life enhancing
It reminded me of G.K. Chesterton's saying, "Angels fly because they take themselves lightly." We often see children as angels, I wonder if it is because they look like Cherubs and they find humor in what most of us consider stupid or childish whims. I know around our house, our children want to be playful and to laugh and if I am not rested or I am taking life too seriously, I squelch their joy. I am usually sad when this happens and my attitude subdues the air in the room. Sometimes becoming aware is the pits.
Jesus calls us to become like children. I have always considered that to only mean to be open. In thinking about laughter, I believe, taking ourselves lightly, is yet another way that we become like children. In a report by William Fry, M.D., professor of psychiatry at Stanford University Medical School and expert on health and laughter, the average kindergarten student laughs 300 times a day. However, adults average approximately 17 laughs a day. What happens to us as we grow old?
Have we forgotten how to laugh? Or have too many people, like me with my children, squelched our laughter. I have noticed LOL (laugh out loud)on so many texts and emails. I have witnessed people typing LOL, including myself, but I rarely hear anyone LOL. Are we too embarrassed to really laugh out loud, have we become so uptight that we can't laugh, or are we just too old? These are great questions to ask ourselves.
Chuck Gallozzi, author of Benefits of Laughter, believes "We don't stop laughing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop laughing.
I encourage everyone to start laughing. It is more contagious than a cold or the flu and it has many healing benefits. Let's practice smiling and spreading the joy. Let's join in the laughter and not squelch it. And maybe we will fly with the angels.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
To thy own self be true
At our core, we all know our truth, our inner strength, our divine heritage. However, it takes time and effort to rise above our worldly programing and to seek, find, and accept our inner truth-our Christ spirit-our Buddha nature-whatever you want to call it. (Children have it so much easier, because they know what we have forgotten). Once we tap into this inner sanctum, it takes large amounts of courage to live that truth, especially if it is not in line with the societal norm.
I don't know about you, but over the years, I have squelched my inner being-the desires of my heart because I feared being separated from and/or rejected by my peers.
Desmond Tutu suggests, "Instead of separation and division, all distinctions make for a rich diversity to be celebrated for the sake of the unity that underlies them. We are different so that we can know our need of one another."
We are created to be AWESOME!
Claim your uniqueness, thank and honor those whom differ from you, and celebrate our diversity.
Oh, how boring life would be if we only had vanilla! Thank God for BR 31 and sprinkles.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Change-A constant in my life
Even though I know this is true, I still cause myself misery because I do not accept the change in my life or I resist it. It is amazing how I can pray for change and then when I receive it I cling to the old, because I fear the unknown that lies ahead.
Knowing that God is ever present in my life of change allows me to move forward stepping out in faith into the unknown. I love the scripture, "The human mind may devise many plans, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will be established" (Proverbs 19:21). This tells me that I can make all of the plans I want and God will allow me to do what I will, but the outcome is up to the will of God. I don't know about you but this relieves some of the pressure of trying something new.
One of my favorite prayers that I have used for years to get through change is the Serenity Prayer.
I pray this constantly if I am faced with a challenging situation. What I know is I can not change another person, and really the only thing I can change is my attitude about whatever is in my life right now. It is my job to keep my side of the street clean and allow you to live your life. This takes lots of courage.
Gandhi says this beautifully: We must be the change we wish to see in the world.
So go out and be that change. I want to be peace, love, harmony, acceptance and wisdom. What do you want to be?
Monday, January 11, 2010
Tidbits of wisdom
- GPS: God Please Steer
- Consistency trumps commitment by Mark Le Blanc
- Honor the all of you and others by Karen
- A good question to ask when making a decision, "Does ___ serve you and others well? by Karen
- Own and celebrate you own "I did it" accomplishments.
These are just a few of the great shares, there are a multitude and more to come. May these bless you or at least give you something to chew on until tomorrow.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
I see you
I remember a time in my life when I was completely blind to the world around me. I was driving through some of the most beautiful parts of Texas which I did not notice and listening to Christy Lane singing songs like One Day At A Time which I could not comprehend. I was desperately seeking something to give me purpose; something to complete me and to make me whole. I had tried all of the material offerings of the world but nothing seemed to fill the vast void in my soul.
This journey took me to a week long spiritual workshop or an exorcism would be a better description. I was riped open and was forced to see me, all of me, for the first time. I was then given the tools to live; alive, awake and enthusiastic. It was a life transforming experience which opened my eyes, ears, and my heart to the Essence of God which breaths me, and animates the planet. I could SEE, I mean really SEE.
I remember vividly returning home on the same road and it was as if I was seeing it for the first time. It was so spectacularly beautiful, the colors were brilliant, the people were so helpful and kind that I wept. I was listening to Christy Lane again and the songs which used to perplex came alive and I heard them for the first time. They penetrated my soul. I felt completely One with all of creation.
This was an amazing experience which began lifting the veil, the dark cloud which had blurred my vision. It was the beginning of my quest to know God, the life force energy in which I live and have my being. It is a daily practice of releasing and cleansing error thinking and looking beyond the physical into the hearts of all creation.
All faith traditions affirm God's immanence. "They speak of God coming near or dwelling in the heart only when there is receptivity, humility, and faith" (World Scripture, A Comparative Analogy of Sacred Texts, pg. 72). I encourage you to empty out your cup of knowledge and beliefs to make room for the knowingness of God; be receptive to new ideas and concepts, be teachable, and trust that God is immanent, ever present.
"I am the nucleus of every creature, Arjuna; for without me nothing can exist, neither animate nor inanimate. . . Wherever you find strength, or beauty, or spiritual power, you may be sure that these have sprung from a spark of my essence" (Hinduism, Bhagavad Gita 10.39-41).
Open your mind, heart and soul to the truth that God Is, and you will begin to see (feel) God in all things. Your will not see with your eyes, you will see with your heart and you will feel One with all.
I SEE YOU! and I love what I see.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Websters defines Avatar as "the incarnation of the Hindu deities, or their apprearance in some manifest shape upon earth; a manifestation, as in a person, of some principle or theory."
Pandora was the manifestation of the Life Force Energy of Creation; the people, the plants, and the animals. They were all connected, as we are with the Spirit of Our Creator.
I loved the message of our Oneness of life, our interconnectedness with the physical and the spiritual worlds. All faith traditions teach that we are all One family.
- Judism and Christianity: For man and beast are of one lot. . . They are the same life-breath. Eccles. 3:19
- Hinduism: All are the sons and daughters of God, good people all, Brothers and Sisters, since created by One Father. No rooted difference is there between them. Bhavishya Purana III, IV Chp. 23.
- Islam: All creatures are the family of God; and he is the most beloved of God who does most good to His family. Hadith
- Sioux Native American: God is the Father, Earth the Mother. With all things and in all things, we are relatives.
It would be great if we could remember this and realize; when we harm any of life, we are harming ourselves.
I believe we will stop harming others, our animals, and our planet, when we begin to truly love and respect ourselves. This was my truth. Early on my spiritual walk, I was told that I was not capable of loving, accepting, and/or honoring others because I could not stand myself. I was taught to tend my own garden, and practice loving and accepting the all of me, good and bad. I was also taught to pray for all those whom I could not love or accept. In so doing, my heart openned and expanded allowing me to love and accept people, places and things just as they were. I came to realize that 'but for the grace of God go I.'
We must empty our minds, hearts and souls of hate, revenge, greed, lust, false pride, and envy; in order, to make room for compassionate understanding, love and acceptance of others. We must empty ourselves inorder to become teachable.
I think this is what Jesus meant when he said we must become like children to know and experience God.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Go with the flow
Throughout our lives we get sidetracked and end up on different paths than we had planned. It is our reaction to these differing paths which can create chaos and/or peace.
When I accept these detours in my life as perfect just as they are, my life remains peaceful. However, when I resist the detours and fight them struggling to stay on 'my' track, I experience pain and suffering. What we resist persists. Yet, by letting go and letting God, we create harmony and balance.
Going with the flow suggest that we become flexible and open to other outcomes. Taoism holds that flexibility can defeat strength. Water is used as a metaphor in Lao Zi to explain the prowess of flexibility. Nothing can be more flexible and soft than water but it can defeat all tough things. Similarly, Taoism emphasizes humbleness and tenderness and how softness overcomes hardness, that flexibility overcomes rigidness.
Most of the time, when I get into a pinch, I am usually going against the flow of life. I am fighting for my will and not looking for the good of all. I become blinded by my ego. However, when I quit struggling, roll over and float, open my hand, ears and my heart to another way, my life circumstance seems to work itself out.
When I take a time out, a walk in nature, and breathe deep, I receive some insight or guidance for my next indicated step. I open myself to the flow of life.
"By paths they have not known, I will guide them. . . . These are the things I will do, and I will not forsake them" are the promises we receive from Isaiah 42:16. Knowing that there is no place where God is not, allows me to take the many detours in life with a smile, trusting that I am in good company.
I encourage you to practice letting go and letting God, cease fighting anyone and anything and see what happens in your life. You may find that your resisted detour is filled with exciting, new and beautiful scenery.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
The Power of a story: to enslave or to free
My Monkey Mind, or the stories of my life that I allow to grow and form from my past, which I bring into the present and project into the future, keep me in bondage. For example, for a long time, I thought I was a victim, life was happening to me and I was at the mercy of any and all people. I blamed life, people, places, etc. for my circumstances and the events which occurred in my life. I allowed my thoughts to take charge and in so doing, I had no control, I lived in fear, and I was powerless. I was unable to move forward and to live life.
When I finally realized that thinking of myself as a victim was a choice, and I could chose to be a victim or be a volunteer, my life changed. I begin to question every thought in search of the facts. I began to see my role in every aspect of my life. I awoke to the FACT that I was where I was based on the choices I made and the stories or thoughts I replayed, not because of anyone else.
Even though, I did not like to take responsibility for several things in my life, when I did my life began to have meaning and purpose. I had hope and I gained personal power.
Byron Katie in her book, Who Would You Be Without Your Story, suggests that we ask these four simple questions when reviewing our stories .
- Is it true?
- Can you absolutely know that it is true?
- How do you react when you believe that thought?
- Who would you be without the thought?
Using these questions to decipher my Monkey Mind has been of great value. I have learned to stick to the facts and leave the story, the emotional obsessive thinking alone. When I practice these tools, I experience inner peace and a quiet mind and I am able to tap into the indwelling power of God.
Let go of the story, be free and live!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Tend your own field
As I seek a deeper relationship with my Creator, I find the more I judge people, places and things whether it be positively or critically, the more I judge myself or feel that I am being judged.
In all major faith traditions, we are discouraged from judging others.
Confucianism considers judgment a disease of men:
"The disease of men is that they neglect their own field, and go to weed the fields of others, and that what they require of others is great, while what they lay upon themselves is light"(Mencius 7:2.34.3).
The Islam faith states: "He who sees his own faults has no time to see the faults of others" (Islam, Instructions of Ali Ibn-abi Talib, WR 285).
Wow, doesn't this strike a cord. How many times do I presume or assume what is good for you when I can't even keep my own house in order. I used to make it a habit to share with people how great their life would be if only they did things 'my way'.
I was jolted into reality when I was sharing 'my way' with three other women, and they said, "Becky, if your life is a reflection of what "your way" has to offer, we are not interested." This statement forever changed my life.
After I picked up my jaw and my pride and whaled myself to sleep, I heard what they said. My life or my field was so unkempt and weedy that I better stay in my own yard.
This lesson has served me well. I attempt to no longer presume to know what is best for anyone nor assume that my way is any better than yours. I take the time to hear your story, to seek to understand your way, to open my heart to other possibilities. The results are magical.
What I know is we are all doing the best we can with the information or the consciousness that we have at the moment.
Take the time to examine your own field, if it is like mine, you will be so busy, you won't notice your neighbor's.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
When life throws you a curve ball
Take a time out, rest in a quiet space, observe nature, reassess your life with an attitude of gratitude and open yourself to the endless possibilities in front of you.
Claim "Life is Good" as your matra.
Monday, January 4, 2010
It is a New Year
How do I do this? I sit in a quiet place and review my previous year. I list all of the things that brought light to my life and all of the things that challenged me. I also review any past and current hurts, angst, fears, and resentments which block me from the sunlight of the Spirit. With the awareness of these blocks, I open myself to the forgiveness process. I consciously pray for the understanding and willingness to forgive, I seek my part in the situations, I make amends when and where I can and I thank God.
In so doing, I clean my slate making way for the new year, the light of Creation to shine in and through me. This is not a one time process, it is a daily discipline.
May you be blessed with discipline.
Love and peace.