Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Power of a story: to enslave or to free

Our lives are a culmination of stories, short sound bites in space and time. Some of the stories originate from fact but are usually embellished as we sit with them and replay them in our minds. As we play with them, they tend to grow, breed fear, and bring along differing emotions. Then our emotions take over and we forget the facts and only live in the story. The stories are the thoughts that we play over and over in our minds. Some people call this the Monkey Mind. Scripture says, "As a man thinks, so is he."

My Monkey Mind, or the stories of my life that I allow to grow and form from my past, which I bring into the present and project into the future, keep me in bondage. For example, for a long time, I thought I was a victim, life was happening to me and I was at the mercy of any and all people. I blamed life, people, places, etc. for my circumstances and the events which occurred in my life. I allowed my thoughts to take charge and in so doing, I had no control, I lived in fear, and I was powerless. I was unable to move forward and to live life.

When I finally realized that thinking of myself as a victim was a choice, and I could chose to be a victim or be a volunteer, my life changed. I begin to question every thought in search of the facts. I began to see my role in every aspect of my life. I awoke to the FACT that I was where I was based on the choices I made and the stories or thoughts I replayed, not because of anyone else.

Even though, I did not like to take responsibility for several things in my life, when I did my life began to have meaning and purpose. I had hope and I gained personal power.

Byron Katie in her book, Who Would You Be Without Your Story, suggests that we ask these four simple questions when reviewing our stories .
  1. Is it true?
  2. Can you absolutely know that it is true?
  3. How do you react when you believe that thought?
  4. Who would you be without the thought?

Using these questions to decipher my Monkey Mind has been of great value. I have learned to stick to the facts and leave the story, the emotional obsessive thinking alone. When I practice these tools, I experience inner peace and a quiet mind and I am able to tap into the indwelling power of God.

Let go of the story, be free and live!

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