Friday, February 5, 2010

God is the source of happiness

When I was young, I sought love and happiness in the things of the world. I thought if only I had the right guy, more money, a different house, a bigger ring, nicer shoes, I would be happy. I was constantly focused on the things I could see. However, as I have matured and grown in my spiritual life through prayer and meditation, I have found so much more happiness in the unseen.

I find happiness in the small, everyday things, the sunset and sunrise, the gentle rain and the booming thunderstorms. I am surrounded by the abundance of creation, freely given and openly received. I claim the scripture, "whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Mark 11:24.

I live my life expecting the abundant blessings of God to come to me and all. In expecting good, I begin to experience the abundant happiness all around me. I begin to find pleasure in all things. I smile and I am happy. I am content.

Seek happiness and you will find happiness. It comes from within you. It comes from the indwelling spirit of God.

© 2010 by Becky Benes


  1. Becky, I have know you many years, so I want to confirm that what you write, you actually live.

    I also have looked outside and to others for happiness. Today, most days, I only have to look outside my kitchen window to see the abundance and love. Recently, I have been learning by observing the squirrels, doves, cardinals and tiny wrens all sharing food at the same time in the same spot. I believe sharing is one of the components of happiness and peace. If we could just learn to share. For myself, I try to remember that there is no competition in the spiritual realm.

    I do know I have a choice. I can look out my window and see the prolific Spring weeds, or I can see the flurry of abundant energy and life and love just outside my window.

    This Easter weekend, I am full of feeling blessed and loved.

  2. Thanks Kathy,
    I love you so much and wish you all of the blessings of abundance, joy and peace of mind. Your friend forever,
