Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Power of our Thoughts

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought; it is founded on our thoughts, it is made of our thoughts. Buddha, Dhammapada

Our thoughts create our lives. So what are your thoughts? If you are unsure look at your life.

If it is filled with happiness, joy and blessings, then I guarantee your thoughts are happy, joyful and positive.

If your life is one of drudgery, darkness, fear, and loneliness, then I guarantee your thoughts are negative and full of angst.

Thoughts are habitual and influenced by others. Which means they can be changed. If you are constantly putting negative news, gossiping about the latest tragedy or illness, then that is what you are creating in your life.

I challenge you to review your thoughts and make an effort to increase the input of positive, uplifting and inspiring stories, ideas, and literature into your mind. This will change your world.

Our mind is like a computer, what comes in is what comes out. You are the operator and have complete control of all input. If you don't like what is manifesting outwardly in your life, change your input.

You will be amazed. It works. My mantra is "God has a plan and the plan is good and only good happens in the life of me and my family." Guess what? This is the truth in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Becky, I'm happy :-) :-) :-) you are blogging again! You have a special and unique insight - mystic-like!!
