Sitting with my dad during his final days I observed:
Nursing homes seem like holding places for bodies and souls awaiting their transitions to their next adventure.
A holding pattern for planes (bodies) on a tarmac just waiting their turn to fly. Some are stationary, just sitting and waiting. Others move up and down the halls, seemingly in constant motion yet going nowhere. They continue to circle until it is their time to take off.
Flight attendants (aides and nurses) hustle about tending to the bodies basic needs-just enough to keep them comfortable. Every once in a while they pause; they call you by your name; they see you, really see you; and they hear you, really hear you. They connect with a smile, a warm embrace, maybe a conversation or even understanding.
You feel alive once again, just for a moment. Then they are gone. You sit just waiting for another encounter, for someone, anyone to notice you, to connect with you before you take flight.
Souls seemingly trapped in bodies that no longer serve them or do they?
Why does the soul hang on-for what purpose does it serve?
Why am I experiencing this with dad?
Am I to learn more deeply about compassion, love, forgiveness?
I connect with dad one last time, our eyes meet, and there is a gentle smile and a hand hug, a kiss on the head.
It is okay dad. It’s your turn; whenever you are ready, take flight.
He takes off leaving his body: old, tired and rigid, and he flies or ‘high tales’ it to California to see Auntie Marg.
He is free, vibrant, strong and unlimited.
He is One with all that Is.
©Becky Benes 3-2011
Thank you so much for having the courage to tell him that he was free and that it was his turn to take off...and for ensuring that he knew that we were going to be OK.