“The Beloved of the Gods (the king) does not consider gifts or honor to be as important as the advancement of the essential doctrine of all sects. This progress of the essential doctrine takes many forms, but its basis is the control of one’s speech so as not to extol one’s own sect or disparage another’s on unsuitable occasions, or at least to do so mildly on certain occasions.
One each occasion one should honor another man’s sect, for by doing so one increases the influence of one’s own sect and benefits that of the other man; while by doing otherwise one diminishes the influence of one’s own sect and harms the other man’s. Again whosoever honors his own sect or disparages
that of another man, wholly out of devotion to his own, with a view to showing it in a favorable light, harms his own set even more seriously. Therefore, concord is to be commended, so that men may hear one another’s principles. . . "
(Ashoka and the decline of the Mauryas, appendix V) (34).
This coincides with the Ninth Commandment which states: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. (Exodus 20:16).
How do I practice this commandment? Do I read and repeat propaganda that is not true or found on sound doctrine of Love which for me promotes life and transformation? Do I study and seek information on my own or do I only count on others for my answers? Do I condemn prior to investigation?
This is a tough commandment, it challenges me to seek truth, to love, honor and accept all people everywhere in my thoughts, words and deeds.
To keep it simple, just remember, if you don’t have something nice to say don’t say anything. Is it kind? Is it true? Is it necessary? Does it promote life, love and peace? If the answer is YES to all of the questions, shout what you have to say from the mountain tops.
Love to you all, Becky
©Becky Benes, Oneness of life, 3-2011
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