Monday, May 24, 2010

Be the Change

Gandhi says, Become the change you want to see in the world. Becoming the change I want to see in the world has been a life long journey for me which is ever expanding and developing. It is a process.

As I become the change I want to see in the world, I move into accordance with my life, I open myself to enter into deep and authentic relationship with others. I move into a place where I encounter common ground with my neighbors and I am no longer threatened by or fear our differences. In fact, I can choose to celebrate and honor our differences thus expanding my life experience.

This process of change expands my worldview and brings me into an awareness of our global interconnectedness taking me places I have never been before. It allows me to truly promote peace through understanding. I integrate myself with others and into accordance with all of life. I experience Oneness and find my purpose to be seeking the common good of all.

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