Saturday, April 24, 2010

Celebrate Diversity

Sitting in our Spring Symphony Pops concert, my heart soared as I listened to the audience listen to Mariachi Vargas. They were having so much fun.

The entire program was in Spanish. I neither speak nor understand Spanish, but I could feel the energy in the room and the beat of the music. I actually recognized some of the music and moved with the beat. I was in awe experiencing a different culture from my own in my home town.

I also realized that most of the audience was Spanish speaking and were from my town. I was experiencing a vast majorities of my neighbors culture. It was almost a sold out crowd filled with people whom had never attended a symphony.

I wondered how many of my Spanish speaking neighbors went to events in English where they understood nothing. I wondered it they felt frustration and isolation. Even though, I felt some of this, I did feel connected because of the music and because I was celebrating our diversity.

I was filled with gratitude that my Spanish speaking neighbors and friends were being honored by our symphony embracing their culture. It was a beautiful experience. It brought me back to the Eid celebration we celebrated the first time in San Angelo during the 11 Days of Peace. My Muslim friends were honored because they were invited to celebrate their faith openly with the people of San Angelo.

I love witnessing all people coming together and celebrating our diversity. It makes for a much more exciting life.

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