Thursday, April 22, 2010

Overcoming common resistance

We all are created with innate capabilities which move us toward our ultimate human potential of creativity. However, most people believe that there is something outside of themselves which limit their ability to achieve and to develop their full potential. This belief is the primary block of people attaining their creative birthright.

John H. McMurphy, PhD in his book Secrets from Great Minds, suggests five resistant beliefs which block us from enhancing our full human potential.
  1. "I'm just not very creative or I can't seem to realize my true potential.
  2. "There's not enough time to practice techniques to improve my creative potential."
  3. "My job doesn't demand or allow for much creativity." or "My job doesn't present man opportunities to develop my full potential."
  4. "I'm just too logical and analytical to be more creative."
  5. "I'm afraid to develop my creativity because my life might change."(pg.ii-vii).

These rationalizing negative beliefs keep us from moving forward and becoming and creating a life of magnificence. It is a process of changing our perceptions and our way of thinking that breaks the self-imposed bonds that imprison us.

The processes are easy but difficult. However, the people who trudged the road before us have proven its value. People like da Vinci, Emerson, Edison, Jung, and Socrates lead the way in overcoming our resistance and moving into a life of great potential.

It will be exciting to see what they have to share.

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