Wednesday, September 29, 2010

First Things First

First Things First! I have struggled with this saying for years and have tired every which way to put things in order to no avail. I finally figured it out.

If I seek the wisdom from God in all of my affairs first, my life usually turns out O.K. God must be what comes first. I think Jesus said this, "Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God". When I seek God first God seems to prepare my path.

We have free will and can go anywhere and in any direction we choose. God is always wanting to help us, just as a supportive friend. But if we never tell God where we want to go or what we want to do, God cannot help guide us. Just as if we ask a friend to help us out, we must first tell them where or what we are wanting.

How do I seek the wisdom of God first?

I do this in the mornings as I plan out my day. I present my plan or any intention or problem I may have to God before I enter into meditation and contemplation. I then sit quietly and listen for the still small voice. The small voice comes from within when I am peaceful and in tune. Usually as I journal all of my thoughts, somewhere in the mix is the answer or direction which I am seeking.

However, if I am scattered and unclear of what I want or what direction I need, I usually will receive no direction. If my heart wants one thing and my head wants another, I am out of alignment with myself. In order to receive clear guidance from God, it is important to be very specific to what we want. If we are wishy-washy, our response will be wishy-washy.

When I seek God first and ask for guidance daily, God paves the way for my daily living and things flow smoothly.

"I set the Lord ever before me; with God at my right hand I shall not be disturbed. . .You will show me the path to life, fullness of joys in your presence, the delights at your right hand forever." Psalms 16:8,11

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Green Card

I just watched an old movie "Green card" about an American woman who wanted a green house in New York and a Frenchman who wanted a green card. They married,so they could both get what they wanted and went about their merry lives until the Immigration department ran tabs on them. They spent 4 days studying each other in order to pass the test to be given them in separate rooms.

They began as strangers, neither one liking the other. Through the intense studying of each other; their likes, dislikes, beliefs, foods, habits, etc. They fell in love.

Isn't this what we are called to do when we are told to love our neighbor. Take the time to know them, not just a passing wave or a random, chance meeting while watering the lawn.

It is amazing the magic that happens when we take the time to seek our common grounds, to honor and respect our differences, to know some one's history.

I realize that this is just a movie, but in my life I have had many a changed perspective about a person when I have taken the time to really know them. I guess we must be motivated to really want something to give our time to someone else.

Where are you spending your time, that might tell you what you are really wanting.

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Sunday, September 5, 2010


Every once and awhile I receive retribution from well meaning people about an article I write or a presentation I give. Some people seem very concerned for my soul and keep me in their continuous prayers, which I appreciate. Usually they pray that I may see the light and awaken to their particular brand of truth. Most are concerned with my passion for promoting peace through understanding, education and my honoring and accepting of all people including their cultures and beliefs.

For them this is blasphemous, it is completely false teachings, there is a definite line drawn in the sand: their way or my way. In their minds, one of us have to be wrong. In my mind, we are all on the same team doing the same work, guiding people to the awareness and experience of the indwelling Christ spirit. I just have an inclusive perspective while they have a very exclusive perspective.

I seem to have an expanded version of the same mission.

Expand your mind, expand your life experience, expand your Christ Consciousness.

Change your awareness, and you live in a different world, you experience a different reality. Lama Govinda, Creative Meditations and Multi-Dimensional Consciousness

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Go Within and Experience Oneness

My last post was given to me in a meditation and is what I know to be true. It always amazes me when I assume I have received an original thought and then find the same thing somewhere else. Today while reading John McMurphy's book, Secrets from Great Minds, I found this quote from Plotinus from On Intellectual Beauty:

We must bring the vision within and no longer see in the mode of separation. We need no longer look outside for our vision of the divine being; it is but the strength to see divinity within.

Wow, isn't that a great way to say what I said. Eventhough it is disappointing to find that the messages I receive are not unique to me, it is affirming to find other people have acquired the same wisdom by going within. It helps me to feel I am not so crazy. It is also humbling to know that when we practice meditation all that is required for life: all wisdom, all strength, and all inspiration is at hand.

©oneness of life productions 9/2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What is blocking people from your love?

The other day while contemplating life, the joys, pains and sufferings I asked what is blocking people from the peace that surpasses understanding and the joy that is promised in the sacred texts. This is what was revealed.

Becky, my people live in sin, they have forgotten who they are. Their sin is their belief that they are separate from me, the Creator of All. They have accepted their earthly existence as their only truth or their fate. They have chosen the life of laborers and suffering servants who struggle to eat and feed their families and themselves, who have settled for a life of striving toward earthly goals. They have forgotten that I am their source, their supplier of all that is required, their employer.

The Essence of who they are is Me, the great I AM. I AM THE LIGHT, LIFE, TRUTH, LOVE, AND ALL THAT IS GOOD and THAT IS LIFE-GIVING.

This they must remember in order to thrive. Without this knowing, their life will be one of struggle, of surviving not thriving.

Becky, understand that you all still live in the garden. It is your belief and your conditioning that tells your otherwise.

Jesus came to show you the way-show you that you and I are ONE. All that I have, I give to you. You are the channels through which all my blessings come. I work through those of you whom are willing to allow my Essence to flow through you. I am what animates your life. All of the resources of the universe-creation, power, infinite possibilities waits manifestation through you.

Release the nay sayers which surround you, release your own disbelief in the power dwelling within you. Jesus did this when he said, "Get behind me Satan!" to those blocking his ultimate journey. Release all thoughts and beliefs of powerlessness, unworthiness, that you are less than perfect and wonderful. Release all that says that you are not whole and complete.

Know that I have created you in perfection, capable of creating, manifesting your hearts desire. I plant the seeds of peace, joy, happiness and abundance in your heart, why would I not create you with all you required to move toward and enjoy all of these attributes. The only thing stopping you is your earthly beliefs, those things outside yourself.

All I have is yours my precious children. It is my great pleasure to give you the kingdom.

All that I am so too are you. Own this truth and return to the garden and live as One with Me. I will provide all that is required for your life. It is your choice. I await and honor your decision.

Eternal love,
Your Creator