Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tough Love

Our church recently participated in an Egg to Chick program where we set eggs in an incubator and cared for and monitored them until they hatched. They were scheduled to hatch on day 21 but several came on day 19 and 20. A small message that Divine Order is truly what is in control.

When the chicks begin the process of pipping, pecking their way out of the shell. They have to peck thousands of times just to create a small hole in the shell in order to breath. After this feat, they take a 5 to 8 hour nap.

Once rested, it takes another two to five hours for the chick to cut its way 3/4 around the egg and an additional 40 minutes of squirming, struggling and pushing against the egg cap to break free. The chick then takes another well deserved nap after which, it begins to rise to its feet and gains control of its muscles.

The interesting thing is if you help them with any of this process they will not thrive, they will not have developed their lungs and muscles or the strength to survive.

What a great lesson in tough love, sometimes it is hard to watch our loved ones struggle with life lessons. It seems so easy for us to break through a small shell. We instinctively want to help them and to make life a bit easier for them. However, when we do this we rob them of the necessary skills, and/or the strength they need to survive in life on life's terms.

Tough love is the spiritual practice of allowing, allowing all people to experience the full spectrum of growing up. It is not easy, but it is necessary.

© 2010 by Becky Benes

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Stay in the Now

Lately, I have spent a lot of time in a day, thinking and focusing on happenings from my past and in my future. In so doing, I lost sight on the importance of today and my life filled with angst, worry, and regret. I definitely was not experiencing the presence of God and inner peace and serenity.

Staying in the Now moment is the only way, I have found to return to that peaceful place within myself, where I meet and experience God. When I am feeling peaceful and present in the Now, I am more attentive to those I love and the beautiful love messages from God. This is a practice, it is something I work on daily.

Of course, I have not mastered staying in the Now; however, with the practice of meditation and centering home with my breath, I am able to live more of my day in the Now. This is where the important things of life are born and experienced.

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson

© 2010 by Becky Benes

Friday, February 26, 2010

An Interfaith Dialogue

A Rabbi, a Pastor and a Sheikh come together on a committee and what do you get? A beautiful friendship, intense deepening of your own faith, and a mutual honor and respect of other faith traditions. This is what I witnessed as I listened to the authors, Pastor Don Mackenzie, Rabbi Ted Falcon and Sheikh Jamal Rahman, of Getting to the Heart of Interfaith.

Their message is inclusive spirituality which invites us to "live less wastefully, to internalize simple truths of planetary ecology. It invites us to compassionate action in the world. It opens our hearts and promotes true compassion for others. It gives rise to visions of fulfilling basic human needs without resorting to violence" (170).

Through their 9 year interfaith conversation, their friendship has deepened as did their understanding that we are all One in this One life.

I encourage you to take the step toward peace by taking the time to have tea with an adversary, someone who has differing beliefs and open yourself to be changed. You may uncover a you had never known and make a new friend.

© 2010 by Becky Benes

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Honoring our Mother and Father

All faith traditions place an overwhelming priority in honoring our parents. Why is that? Maybe, as Jeffrey Moses mentions in his book, Oneness, it is because by doing so "we support the entire fabric of society, sustaining our own well-being as well as that of our children, and our children's children" (47).

Parents are essential to the sustenance of children. They are so essential that most faith traditions refer to the One God, our Creator, as Mother and Father because of their creative, nurturing and supportive natures. Without our parents, none of us would be here.

Even though, my children may grow up and feel I did a sub par job as their parent, I can honestly say, "I did the best I could with what I had." This is all any parent could do.

A friend once told me a story. He was raised with a raging alcoholic father, who was rarely home and when he was, it was not peaches and cream. When his father became ill, my friend chose to care for him with other family members. One night as he was giving his dad a suppository, thinking why am I here, he realized, "this man is a human being, he deserves dignity of life and he is still my dad." This realization caused a healing in his heart. He experienced a spiritual shift. His anger and resentment of past wrongs, melted and opened a door for compassion and honor. He received one of the greatest spiritual blessings.

To support Father and Mother,
To cherish Wife and Child,
To follow a peaceful calling,
This is the greatest Blessing.


© 2010 by Becky Benes

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Love Notes

Have you ever gotten a love note? A love note can be a note of encouragement, a thank you note, a just to say "HI!" note, a welcome to the neighborhood note, a get well note, the list is endless. These notes express terms of endearment. They are better than text messages, phone messages, or verbal messages, because they can be read over and over again.

I like to save my little love notes in a special box. I use this box when I am feeling alone and blue. I'll get out my love notes and read them. They have a magical way of making the sun come out on a rainy day.

People may have no clue that their beautiful notes are sacred texts for me or others. They are expressions of our Loving Creator and have the power to transform lives.

Think about people in your life that mean a lot to you, take the time to write them a note. It may just be the sunshine they need to get through a gloomy day, or it could save someone in deep despair.

Spread love and encouragement. Send love notes.

Be the change you want to see in the world. Gandhi.

© 2010 by Becky Benes

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Earth is the Party Planet

I recently heard a sermon where it was mentioned, Earth is the Party Planet, if you aren't having fun your doing it wrong.

Wow, doesn't this hit home for me, I find with age, I take life too seriously. I forget the saying, don't sweat the small stuff and it is all small stuff.

Recently, I decided to have more fun, so I began observing my children trying to figure out the key to fun. What I found is that they use their imagination, make up the rules as they go and then, go with the flow. I also noticed, kids have a lot more fun when we allow them to be kids.

Most of the time, I am busy hurrying them along or telling them to not get dirty, don't make a mess, and to be careful. In the process, I squelched their fun.

Last month it snowed in Texas, which is something because we have not seen snow in over 5 years.

Anyway, my children along with their friends spent most of the day outside inventing fun activities in the snow while my day was filled with the hustle and bustle of life and deadlines. I had to force myself to allow them fun and not get agitated about the wet clothes, the tracking in snow, etc. I made a conscious decision to relax, to breathe and to allow.

I then practiced the art of being in the moment and focused on the joys of making hot chocolate, and watching them have fun. I was amaze that I gradually didn't even mind the snow in the house. We all just went with the flow and relaxed. It was a great expression of love and a great memory for us all.

Maybe, next time I will actually go out and play in the snow, progress not perfection. Think about your life and ask yourself, "Am I having fun, yet?" If not make a change, if so, congratulations, you are doing it right.

I love this quote off of my tea bag, "Youth would be an ideal state if it came a little later in life". – Herbert Henry Asquith (1852-1928)

© 2010 by Becky Benes

Set boundaries, Love a child

Judy Ford, in her book, Wonderful Ways to Love a Child, gives several ideas about expressing love to your children. The top two being "really love yourself and allow them to love themselves." These two priorities are paramount and life changing in the lives of our children.

This day and age, our children are exposed to things I didn't know anything about until I was in my late 20's. They are growing up so fast, without the tools to deal with the information overload.

I notice that they really have no healthy boundaries in most of their relationships. Boys and girls speak crudely and disrespectfully to one another, clueless that this behavior dwindles their self-worth and self-respect. With the dwindling of self-worth, their self-esteem plummets and their ability to love themselves is diminished.

Spend time with a child, love them, and show them healthy interpersonal boundaries. Stick up for them if someone treats them disrespectfully. Show them by your interest that they are loved.

It has been proven that children who play on a playground with a fenced boundary use the full spectrum of the play area. Those without the fenced boundary, stay close to the inside. By setting boundaries, we show our love and at the same time, we expand their life experience.

Interesting paradox.

© 2010 by Becky Benes

Monday, February 22, 2010

Family Love

Love Thyself, the Message from Water III by Masaru Emoto is a beautiful book about the power of words and there effects on water.

Emoto puts words on water and through a scientific process, he freezes the water creating spectacular crystals. To his amazement, the crystals, all from the same water, differed depending on the words written on or spoken to the bottles of water. I find his study fascinating.

One study, Emoto observed the challenges of today's families. He noticed that is was once common for three generations to live together as a family. However, in recent times, this has become difficult because of housing conditions and declining birth rates. He felt this was creating various problems.

Emoto placed the phrase "Family Love," on water and a three level crystal was formed.

He interpreted this to mean that the bottom layer represented the grandparents; the middle- the parents; and the top-the children. He felt this gave the impression that the presence of grandparents is the most important factor (69).

Several non-western cultures continue to honor and to hold their elders in great esteem. They go to them for wisdom and care for them as sacred beings. It is a beautiful thing to watch. These families feel honored to care for the elderly.

It saddens my heart, as we in the western cultures have become so inner and self focused, that we disregard our aging. We don't take the time to listen to the great wisdom and insights they have gleaned during their time here.

Maybe during this month of love and relationships, you might choose to go to an assisted-living or nursing facility, have a cup of tea with an elder, and make a friend.

I know when I do this, I hear fascinating stories and learn some great history. More importantly, I honor our wise elders, and as I bless them, they bless me.

© 2010 by Becky Benes

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Suffering in love

Love is in the joys of life and in the suffering of life.

Sometimes the suffering of our lives seems unbearable, we wonder how am I going to survive this one. But I find, my own suffering is far easier to handle than watching a love one suffer.

As I sit with the man who gave me life, who nurtured me when I was in pain, who fed me, who loved me unconditionally, who went beyond the call of duty to meet my needs, my heart aches. As I watch him experience so much pain and agony. My heart aches beyond measure.

How can I handle and watch any more. I would love to run and hide, to send him off where another would care for him; but what if he is scared, and they don't understand him, or they don't treat him with love and dignity. The inner struggle for me is unbearable.

So I breathe, I breathe in the love of Christ, I breathe out the pain in my heart, my struggle lessons. I breathe again into the pain, I release, it has lessened. I continue to breathe deeply for minutes, now hours. I focus on the Creator of Life.

I read: " Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light." (Matthew 11:28-30)

I open my hands to let go, knowing and trusting that God has a plan and the plan is good. I sleep.

© 2010 by Becky Benes

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Happiness comes with simplicity

Buddha says, "Let us live most happily, possessing nothing; let us feed on joy, like the radiant gods" Dhammapada 15:4.

What I have found to be true is the more I possess, the more my possessions possess me. I become in bondage to my stuff.

This came home to me one day, when a dear friend, who did not have a job and needed to downsize, purchased a 3 bedroom home just for herself. I asked her what she was thinking and she said, "well, I have to have room for my stuff." She went into huge debt with barely enough money to pay her bills because she was unwilling to let go of her stuff.

Eventually, this friend prior to loosing everything, sold her stuff, moved into a very small apartment, and is happier than she has ever been. She was free. She had more time, money and joy in her everyday life.

This is a great message of hope during rough times in our lives. In loosing or leting go of our things, we gain so much more.

Make it a practice to clean out a drawer, a closet, or a cabinet daily and rid yourself of your "stuff" that is thwarting your happiness.

© 2010 by Becky Benes

Friday, February 19, 2010

Living in Unity

The well-being of mankind, its peace and security, are unattainable unless and until its unity is firmly established. Baha'i, Baha'ullah.

Living in unity means accepting and honoring all people as members of the human race, all members of humanity. It does not matter what shape or color they exist in, they are still part of the human race.

I once saw a blind man interviewed on Oprah, she asked about the difficulties of his blindness in dealing with people. He said, he felt blessed not to be distracted by the exterior of people. He did not describe people using adjectives about their exterior appearances, he described them with feelings and experiences. He knew the true person and was not limited by prejudices.

Maybe, we should blind ourselves to the outside trappings of others and ourselves, look beyond the flesh and see people in their essence-their true nature. In so doing, we might experience the peace and security that the Baha'ullah mentions.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Comfort zones, limit our life experience

We all have prejudices, things that we judge and accept or reject base on uninformed knowledge. Yet, we all also have an innate desire or need to belong.
Prejudices keep us at arms length from experiencing a truly full life and connecting to all of humanity.

How many people do we miss out on meeting, because they do not fit into our comfort zone?
How many different cultures do we avoid and miss out on their beauty and deep history, because they are outside of our comfort zone?
How many places do we not visit?
How many opportunities are missed?
How many delicious meals and varieties of food do we pass by?
How many people do we harm by rejection?

How many wars could we have stopped, if we had ventured out of our comfort zone?
How much love and peace can we spread, if we just get out of our comfort zone.
Break free, move out of your comfort zone, one step at a time.

© 2010 by Becky Benes

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Our personal Jihad

A Cherokee elder was teaching his children about life.He said,"A terrible fight is going on inside me.It is a fight between two wolves.

One is of joy, love, hope, kindness and compassion.

The other is of fear, anger, cynicism, indifference and greed.

The same fight is going on inside of you and every other person, too."

The children thought and then one asked, "Which wolf will win?"

The elder replied, "Whichever one you feed."

This is the great inner struggle mentioned in the stories of the Mystics, Jesus' experience in the desert, and the Jihad of Islam. This inner struggle is what separates us from ourselves. It is the practice of melding them into one, where we find inner peace and connectedness with our Creator.

© 2010 by Becky Benes

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Within our Dreams

Within our dreams and aspirations, we find our opportunities.
Sue Atchley Ebaugh
Today is the beginning of making manifest my dreams. I am claiming the Truths of the Universe. I am asking and seeking with full expectations of receiving the desires of my heart.
We all are gifted with special talents, and we are all being called to offer something special to otheres in our lives. It is our responsibility to answer the call and move forward, trusting that God will deliver the perfect outcome for the ultimate good of all.
My talents are melding together with a variety of different opportunities and my dreams await the perfect time to make manifest. I am using this beautiful time of the Lenten season to pray, to meditate and to fast knowing that the time is near.
I am grateful for all that I am, for my dreams and aspirations which lead to opportunity and for all the blessings I have in family and friends.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Greater Love

John 15:13 states, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." I have grappled with this verse for years.

We use this verse to honor those whom have died in war, and those whom have sacrificed their life to save another. However, for me, I need it to make sense to the average person like me.

Through contemplation, I find that a greater love is when I lay down or put aside my agenda, my plan, my idea, (the list could be endless), to allow another their way, or to serve another in their time of need.

Basically, when I move from being self-absorbed to being other-centered. My heart actually sings when I set aside my wants and desires in order to serve another. Does this happen regularly, I wish I could say, "Yes." However, when it does, the result is happiness, true joy and true love.

© 2010 by Becky Benes

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Ultimate Love

All sacred texts speaks of the love humanity has for their Creator. Verse after verse expresses the devotion to God through praise and worship and a constant longing for God's presence.

Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. Christianity. 1 Corinthians 10:31.

The supreme Lord who pervades all existence, the true Self of all creatures, may be realized through undivided love. Hinduism, Bhagavad Gita 8:22

Heaven and earth contain me not, but the heart of my faithful servant contains me. Islam. Hadith of Suhrawardi

Greater is he who acts from love than he who acts from fear. Judaism. Talmud, Sota 31a.

This longing for the knowing of God draws me passionately. The love and peace I experience when I pray and meditate and connect to this Divine presence consumes me. I melt into the nothingness and into the allness of the ALL. It is the purest form of love that there is.

© 2010 by Becky Benes

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Feeding the Hungry

Today I was blessed to spend the day feeding the hungry with the Peace Ambassadors. In all faith traditions, we are called to feed the hungry.

Most of us think this to be the obvious, feeding those without food. But I believe there are those among us who are spiritually hungry or actually starving.

Volunteering and reaching out to those in need is not only feeding the physically hungry but its feeding all those who are spiritually hungry.

The joy experienced at the soup kitchen today was phenomenal. As we laughed, cooked, served, washed dishes, we smiled, sang and danced. Our spirits and hearts were filled to overflowing. This is the magic of love, this is the magic of service to others. Those who serve are truly those being served.

© 2010 by Becky Benes

Friday, February 12, 2010

Love found at the Olympics

Settling in with my tea and cookies to watch the opening ceremonies of the 2010 Winter Olympics, I was saddened by the news of the young man from Georgia who died while training this morning. My heart went out to his family, his friends and all of the athletes. What a sobering wake up call for all of us. We never know when our time will come to an end on this plain of existence.

Because of this, I believe we must work for greatness in our lives not necessarily success. We have to live to love and to develop relationships to promote peace. The Olympics is the prime opportunity for our youth to come together with others across the globe and build friendships that will last a life time.

The Olympics is a time that the world can come together as one, in peace and in harmony. Working together to bring out the best in one another is a perfect expression of love; whether it be an athletic achievement or helping the hungry in our neighbor.

We are all participants in the Olympics of life. Be whom ever you are called to be at the depths of your soul, with passion and vigor and you will spread love, peace and harmony in our world.

© 2010 by Becky Benes

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Honor and respect

I have found as I grow in love with life and more importantly with myself, I find more wonderful things in people. This is an amazing paradox in my life. The more I honor and respect myself, the more I honor and respect others. The more others are honored and respected, the more they honor and respect themselves.

Maybe we truly can change the world by becoming the change we want to see in the world, as Gandhi says.

© 2010 by Becky Benes

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Love found in making cookies

Today I was blessed to bake basketball cookies for my daughter's last game as a 8Th grader. She is moving up and my friend, Melissa and I wanted to do something special for the team.

We baked and decorated 30 little basketballs and one big one. We had such a great time reminiscing about the season, thinking about all of the funny happenings at the games, and excited about the girls progress. As we worked, we were completely present and enjoying the art of creating. Each cookie was a labor of love.

I remembered all of the cookies my mom baked for all of my classmates and for all of our family and the cookies she is still baking. These memories brought to surface the love given me as a child, but love I did not appreciate or understand.

Love is a funny thing, expressed in a multitude of ways, but maybe never fully comprehended until you have a repeat experience of your own. The love I feel in baking these cookies is warm and nurturing and freely given, this is a mother's love. What a beautiful awareness at 47 to fully embrace the love of my mom.

© 2010 by Becky Benes

Monday, February 8, 2010

Listening creates lasting Friendships

We are all wanting to be heard but few of us stop our activity of doing in order to listen. This was a key message from Greg Mortenson, author of Three Cups of Tea, about his work of building schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He said, progress was slow because the building of relationships takes time. To accurately assimilate the needs of the people he serves; he stops, has tea, and listens to the elders and the women of the communities. During this time, he gathers valuable information about the needs of the people.

Greg said, he watched countless $250 tweed jackets, sent by well meaning people wanting to help, being thrown into fires to cook meals and warm rooms for the children. He also witnessed nylon tents, sent with the same intention, melt and burn because the people were using kerosene burners to stay warm. He said, "If we had asked them what they needed, they would have said, kerosene and money to build a canvass factory to manufacture their own tents that would withstand the cold and provide shade in the heat." This would have been much cheaper and much more productive for the people in this region.

Taking the time to listen to those we want to help, we can find out what is required to empower them to meet their needs. By empowering the people, we are a greater source for positive and long-lasting change in our world. Truly listening instills a deep sense of trust. In building trust, we create a bond of love. With love, we establish lasting friendships, we heal wounds, we become ONE.

© 2010 by Becky Benes

Listening is a sign of Love

Multi-tasking is a commonly used term in our society and being a mom, I can relate. I am constantly doing at least 4 things at once. While I am busy with the hustle and bustle of life, I often do not take the time to listen to my children and/or my husband. This causes a lot of undue stress and tension in our family.

However, when I stop and listen, my children and my husband feel important and loved. They sense that I really care about them and what is happening in their life. Sometimes, it takes a lot of effort to truly understand what they are saying because I jump to conclusions and formulate an answer before I even know the question.

My oldest child is my greatest teacher and we work diligently and sometimes quite emotionally to get our points across. It takes time and effort to openly communicate, which means we must be willing to listen and be willing to be changed.

How would our lives be different if we took the time to listen? To listen without an agenda, without a prejudgement, without a radio or TV blaring in the fore-ground. How many more people would feel respected, understood, and loved, if we would just listen.

I encourage you to stop and listen to those whom you love and those whom you have conflict. You may be surprised what you learn. I know you will feel fulfilled and they will feel honored and loved.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Failure is not a word in Baltie

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of meeting and being with Greg Mortenson, author of Three Cups of Tea. His presentation was powerful and his message life changing. The first chapter of his book was titled, Failure. He mentioned that in the region where he builds school there is no word for failure. This intrigues me.

He said, they call what we consider failure, a fork in the road. If they go out to attempt something and don't accomplish it, it is just a time to make a new decision. I love this. What would our life look like if the word failure did not exist.

I reviewing my life at all of the failures, I see that each one was a fork in the road. I was faced with a new decision and direction in my life. Each fork has lead me to the present moment. It took each fork to get me where I am today.

Because I love the analogy of life as being a buffet, forks fit a lot better than failure. I now own that no one ever fails, we just make a new decision at each fork in the road.

© 2010 by Becky Benes

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Love your enemies

All faith teach the importance of loving our enemies. This a practice I try to implement in my life. I begin by praying for those who have harmed me.

If the transgression is severe and I find it too difficult or painful to pray from them. I begin with a prayer of willingness, "God help me to be willing to pray for the so and so! Then the prayer progresses to "God bless the blanked d blank!" As my heart softens and becomes more pliable, my prayer becomes, "God bless (the name of the enemy)." I know healing is occuring when I can finally pray, "God Bless (name) with all of the blessings and happines I wish for me and my family."

This has been a powerful prayer process for healing and a stepping stone to a spiritual awakening. Try it, It will help.

© 2010 by Becky Benes

Friday, February 5, 2010

God is the source of happiness

When I was young, I sought love and happiness in the things of the world. I thought if only I had the right guy, more money, a different house, a bigger ring, nicer shoes, I would be happy. I was constantly focused on the things I could see. However, as I have matured and grown in my spiritual life through prayer and meditation, I have found so much more happiness in the unseen.

I find happiness in the small, everyday things, the sunset and sunrise, the gentle rain and the booming thunderstorms. I am surrounded by the abundance of creation, freely given and openly received. I claim the scripture, "whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Mark 11:24.

I live my life expecting the abundant blessings of God to come to me and all. In expecting good, I begin to experience the abundant happiness all around me. I begin to find pleasure in all things. I smile and I am happy. I am content.

Seek happiness and you will find happiness. It comes from within you. It comes from the indwelling spirit of God.

© 2010 by Becky Benes

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Commitment brings Purpose and Happiness

The more I focus on the idea of commitment, I find that people who make a commitment to do anything create a sense of purpose in their life. And when people have a sense of purpose, they seem to be happier.

Perhaps this is the idea of goal setting. To set a goal and move toward that goal, gives one a reason to get out of bed in the morning. It also awakens an inner strength to overcome obstacles in ones life; especially, if the goal has been shared with others.

Once a goal is achieved, there is a sense of accomplishment and empowerment. The "I did it!" dance is danced. An inner knowing fills our being and flows out to others. Commitment gives purpose, leads to happiness, which leads to confidence.

I encourage you to test this theory. Make a commitment to do something, learn something, accomplish something; share it with friends; then follow through. Let me know if you find purpose and experience inner happiness.

© 2010 by Becky Benes

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Commitment to Love

Dr. David Gilbert, a Harvard Psychologist suggests, "Commitment is not just a sign of love, it is the cause of love. I find this quite true for me. I dated several different people in my life before I was married. I told them that "I loved them" but our relationships seemed unsettling. There was always an undercurrent of fear.

Fear they would find someone else; fear I would do something to anger them and they would leave; fear that by staying around without a commitment, I would miss the opportunity to meet the man of my dreams.

This fear was relieved when I married my husband. We had a commitment, we were in this for the long haul, through thick and thin. It was so much easier to be happy when I was not always looking over my shoulder or living in fear of rejection or abandonment.

We have so much fun, knowing we are committed to one another. We are able to make plans, make decisions for our future as one. Joining together in a committed relationship makes room for love to grow, and joy to manifest.

Of course, we have our disagreements or tiffs; but we work through them because we know it is worth it. The good has out weighed the bad, and our love continues to blossom as we manage our way through the thorns of life.

A joy shared is doubled, a burden shared is halved. Find someone to share your life with, make a commitment, it will create more love and happiness in your life.

© 2010 by Becky Benes

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happiness is an attitude

Happiness is experienced when you can just stop,
look around and say,
"You know what,
These are the words of my 14 year old daughter.
Smile, the young are truly our future.
© 2010 by Becky Benes

Monday, February 1, 2010

Love is in the air

Today is the first day of February.
It is the month of Love,
so I say to you, Aloha!
which means,
I love you.