Monday, March 1, 2010

Wisdom: What is that?

Wisdom is an esteemed virtue found in all faith traditions. It is valued greater than riches. It is a state of consciousness where one has mental clarity, emotional strength and intuitive power. Wisdom is the ability to learn from others and to gain deep insights from the indwelling Power within us all.

In the Garuda Purana of Hinduism,

Knowledge is the best treasure that a man can secretly hoard in
life. Learning is the revered of the revered. It is learning alone that enables
a man to better the conditions of his friends and relations. Knowledge is the
holiest of the holies, the god of gods, and commands respect of crowned heads
I find this to be true, the more I learn and the more I go within and develop my intuitive powers, the better able I am to deal with life on life's terms and my wisdom grows.
It is important to continue learning through books and spiritual practices and not rest on our laurels, because the things of the world are all unpredictable and spuratic. However, the universal wisdom of the Universe/God is reliable.
© 2010 by Becky Benes

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