Monday, February 22, 2010

Family Love

Love Thyself, the Message from Water III by Masaru Emoto is a beautiful book about the power of words and there effects on water.

Emoto puts words on water and through a scientific process, he freezes the water creating spectacular crystals. To his amazement, the crystals, all from the same water, differed depending on the words written on or spoken to the bottles of water. I find his study fascinating.

One study, Emoto observed the challenges of today's families. He noticed that is was once common for three generations to live together as a family. However, in recent times, this has become difficult because of housing conditions and declining birth rates. He felt this was creating various problems.

Emoto placed the phrase "Family Love," on water and a three level crystal was formed.

He interpreted this to mean that the bottom layer represented the grandparents; the middle- the parents; and the top-the children. He felt this gave the impression that the presence of grandparents is the most important factor (69).

Several non-western cultures continue to honor and to hold their elders in great esteem. They go to them for wisdom and care for them as sacred beings. It is a beautiful thing to watch. These families feel honored to care for the elderly.

It saddens my heart, as we in the western cultures have become so inner and self focused, that we disregard our aging. We don't take the time to listen to the great wisdom and insights they have gleaned during their time here.

Maybe during this month of love and relationships, you might choose to go to an assisted-living or nursing facility, have a cup of tea with an elder, and make a friend.

I know when I do this, I hear fascinating stories and learn some great history. More importantly, I honor our wise elders, and as I bless them, they bless me.

© 2010 by Becky Benes

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