Monday, January 25, 2010

Acceptance is the Key

Life is filled with diverse situations, struggles, and celebrations, all of which may bring about distress, angst and/or joy. My acceptance of life's circumstances determines whether they have a positive or a negative impact on my life.

When I have a problem with someone, some place, or some situation in my life, it is usually because I find it/them unacceptable to me. When I find something outside myself unacceptable, it creates disharmony and discourse in my life and I experience discontentment. In order, to live in serenity or contentment, I must accept people, places and things just as they are, perfect at this moment in time.

I must decide, either God is all that is, or God is nothing. If God is all there is, then all in creation must be exactly the way it is created to be at this moment. For me, there are no mistakes in God's world. When I accept this as my truth, I find happiness, serenity, and a peace that surpasses all understanding.

This sounds easier said than done, so I constantly use the Serenity Prayer to help me practice the art of acceptance.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Make a list of the things that you currently cannot accept.
Decide which ones you have the power to change, and take action on those.
On the ones which you have no power or control, pray the Serenity Prayer and release them.
Let Go and Let God.

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