Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Come Alive

Have you ever noticed that you can be dead tired and unable to pull yourself off the couch; however, you receive a phone call inviting you to something you love and 'Ca pow!' You have energy. You come alive.

Prior to getting my master degree, I was not much fun, I had no energy, and no spark in my life. However, while I was getting my Master Degree in Spirituality, my husband was so amazed at the energy I had. I had less time and I had increased my work load by taking courses, but I managed to get more done. I was so excited and alive with enthusiasm. I was in my element, studying spirituality, spiritual practices, and world religions.

When I am writing this blog, my column, and preparing for a speech or a retreat, I am energized with the power of God. I can work endless hours and not be tired. I have a bounce in my step. However, if I take on a job that 'needs' to be done but I really don't want to do, my wind is taken from me. I become more agitated, unfocused and tired. It is difficult to get anything done. I drain the people around me.

This is what I believe Howard Thurman meant when he said, "Ask not what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive. . . then go and do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

This is a powerful message to all of us. We are energized by our inner most desires which I call inspiration. If we are in line with the desire of our hearts, we have the energy and enthusiasm to do what it takes to get the job done. When we are enthusiastic which means infused with a divine spirit, we can accomplish great things and change the world.

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