Saturday, January 9, 2010


Wow, what a movie! It was not a movie to which I would have been attracted: however, my friends raved about it so I went. Now I could see it again. It was great and very insightful.

Websters defines Avatar as "the incarnation of the Hindu deities, or their apprearance in some manifest shape upon earth; a manifestation, as in a person, of some principle or theory."
Pandora was the manifestation of the Life Force Energy of Creation; the people, the plants, and the animals. They were all connected, as we are with the Spirit of Our Creator.

I loved the message of our Oneness of life, our interconnectedness with the physical and the spiritual worlds. All faith traditions teach that we are all One family.
  • Judism and Christianity: For man and beast are of one lot. . . They are the same life-breath. Eccles. 3:19
  • Hinduism: All are the sons and daughters of God, good people all, Brothers and Sisters, since created by One Father. No rooted difference is there between them. Bhavishya Purana III, IV Chp. 23.
  • Islam: All creatures are the family of God; and he is the most beloved of God who does most good to His family. Hadith
  • Sioux Native American: God is the Father, Earth the Mother. With all things and in all things, we are relatives.

It would be great if we could remember this and realize; when we harm any of life, we are harming ourselves.

I believe we will stop harming others, our animals, and our planet, when we begin to truly love and respect ourselves. This was my truth. Early on my spiritual walk, I was told that I was not capable of loving, accepting, and/or honoring others because I could not stand myself. I was taught to tend my own garden, and practice loving and accepting the all of me, good and bad. I was also taught to pray for all those whom I could not love or accept. In so doing, my heart openned and expanded allowing me to love and accept people, places and things just as they were. I came to realize that 'but for the grace of God go I.'

We must empty our minds, hearts and souls of hate, revenge, greed, lust, false pride, and envy; in order, to make room for compassionate understanding, love and acceptance of others. We must empty ourselves inorder to become teachable.

I think this is what Jesus meant when he said we must become like children to know and experience God.

1 comment:

  1. I wish that I could have seen the movie with you. Eventhough, I am still enspired by your teachings Becky and I truely enjoy them. You know of my past experiences and I have never experienced hate, revenge, greed, lust, false pride and envy. When I have tried, I have found that it takes a lot more time and effort than it does to be compassionate, understanding, accepting and to love.
    I cry when I encounter people who have chosen to experince these things.
    Hinse the saying. "Life is too short."

    I Love you and keep on writing...J:O)
